“Best Care (Whakapai Hauora ) Charitable Trust (Whakapai) is the tangata whenua Rangitāne o Manawatū (RoM) Whānau Ora, Health & Wellbeing provider in the Manawatū and sits within Tanenuiarangi Manawatū Incorporated Roopū.
Te Ao Turoa Environmental Centre, Kahuku Enterprises and He Puna Pūkenga o Te Papaioea #Palmy’s Got Talent form part of Whakapai environmental, civil and earthworks and employment arms.
Te Ao Turoa Environmental Centre
Undertakes RoM ecological and cultural monitoring work and projects; restoration of waterways through seed collections, plant nursery, planting, weed and pest control, removal of plastics in waterways reduction initiatives, engagement in planning processes, including local policy reviews, town planning and resource consenting with councils, developers, and other commercial entities. Enquiries to alana@rangitaane.iwi.nz
Kahuku Enterprises
Civil earthworks, site foundations, preparation work for asphalt & concrete, demolition, machinery, truck hire and digger work. Enquiries to jordie@rangitaane.iwi.nz
He Puna Pūkenga o Te Papaioea #Palmy’s Got Talent
RoM talent management employment pathway hub that supports whānau into sustainable employment by tailoring education & training packages, pastoral care and targeted pathways in the infrastructure, construction, and health industries. Enquiries to pgt@rangitaane.iwi.nz